Now,any Android users need to root their LG V30 Android Phone when they can find TWRP recovery for Europe model such as Model H930 and H930G easily.However,most android users don’t know why root their LG V30 Smartphone? Okay, Ergonomic quirks can make the V30 issues to hold. You may miss some shots due to slow camera autofocus. Carrier-specific versions added with annoying Bloatware and logos. If you make a rooted Android Device when you can give up such issues easily.Furthermore,You can follow the given guide lines as below to make rooted Android device safely. 1 st step is you need to unlock the Bootloader on your Android Device 2 nd step is you need to install TWRP Recovery on your Android Device 3 rd step is you need to install Magisk Software WHAT TO DO NEXT AFTER ROOTING YOUR ANDROID DEVICE? After Root your Android device,you can make huge Android experience easily. Android Rooting is making a special permission to enter the system Applicatio...